
To help new students adjust to their English education at CIE, the English Language Support (ELS) recently organised a workshop to boost students’ confidence in academic reading and writing.

The ELS Reading Workshop, hosted by Dr. Toni Lam, successfully took place on 19 September 2024. The event attracted a diverse group of students eager to enhance their reading skills and improve their English academic writing. Dr. Lam opened the session by emphasising the importance of effective reading strategies in academic success. He outlined seven tips to help students approach academic texts, which included teaching participants how to predict content, identify key ideas by reading the high-value parts of the text, annotate texts, and analyze readings critically.

The workshop fostered an interactive environment, with students actively participating in discussions and group activities. Feedback from attendees indicated that they found the session both informative and practical, with many expressing enthusiasm about applying the strategies to their academic writing. Dr. Toni Lam’s expertise and engaging teaching style made the session both enjoyable and impactful.

We look forward to hosting more workshops in the future to continue supporting our students' academic journeys. For more information about upcoming events, please visit our website.