新聞公布:香港觀鳥會與香港浸會大學聯合推出 「香港自然蹤跡」- 全港首個聲音互動地圖網站 | 浸大國際學院講師胡麗恩博士 (右二)、浸大圖書館館長 Mr Kendall CRILLY (左二) 、浸大圖書館數碼及多媒體服務組主管王信嫺 (左一) 及香港觀鳥會助理經理陳燕明 (右一) 主持網站啟用儀式。Dr Karen Woo (Lecturer, HKBU CIE) (2nd right), Mr Kendall CRILLY (University Librarian, HKBU) (2nd left), Ms Rebekah Wong (Head of Digital and Multimedia Services Section, University Library, HKBU) (1st left) and Ms Christina Chan (Assistant Manager of Education, Art Development and Communications, HKBWS) (1st right) officiated at the opening ceremony of the website.

浸大國際學院講師胡麗恩博士 (右二)、浸大圖書館館長 Mr Kendall CRILLY (左二) 、浸大圖書館數碼及多媒體服務組主管王信嫺 (左一) 及香港觀鳥會助理經理陳燕明 (右一) 主持網站啟用儀式。Dr Karen Woo (Lecturer, HKBU CIE) (2nd right), Mr Kendall CRILLY (University Librarian, HKBU) (2nd left), Ms Rebekah Wong (Head of Digital and Multimedia Services Section, University Library, HKBU) (1st left) and Ms Christina Chan (Assistant Manager of Education, Art Development and Communications, HKBWS) (1st right) officiated at the opening ceremony of the website.