國際體驗 · 環球視野



交流團領隊老師: 陳曉芳女士、鄭瑞琴博士


入住農家民宿  體驗風土人情

劉泳彤 (專業中文,二年級)





Enjoy the simplicity of life

LAW Ching Lam, Janice (Cultural Studies, Year 2)

I had experienced a lot in this six-day tour, such as catching the running somen noodle, visiting the water system in Harie, Seian University of Art and Design… Words are not enough to express my whole feeling.

After this trip, I understand how Japanese respect their traditions, culture and also nature in different aspects. In rural areas, they still keep the traditional sustainable farming method and lifestyle. They believe in the natural water from Lake Biwa, rather than the tap water, it shows their respect and pride in their nature. In today’s tea ceremony, they still keep all those complicated steps to make a traditional delicious cup of tea. Primary school students still learn how to play Karuta, a Japanese card game from the Edo period. Simple lifestyle show their conscientiousness towards their traditions. Japanese respects their traditions and nature; however, Hong Kong people will focus on economic development and sacrifice precious natural resources.

Finally, I have learned one simple, but important philosophy – “to be my primitive self”, which means using the most pure heart to feel everything.
