鄧博士希望透過卡巴迪運動,促進本地華人與南亞裔人士的跨文化接觸。Dr. Wyman Tang, Adjunct Assistant Professor at Chinese University of Hong Kong, aimed to increase the intercultural contact between the local Chinese and the South Asians by promoting Kabaddi in Hong Kong.
另一嘉賓Royal Sunar是南亞裔社群的一員,他在會上分享了他在香港成長的經驗. Another guest Mr. Royal Sunar is a member of the South Asian community. He shared his experience growing up in Hong Kong and his work promoting Kabaddi.
嘉賓即場示範卡巴迪,並邀請師生落場參與。Our guests demonstrated Kabaddi, and invited students and teachers to join.
除了個人技術外,卡巴迪亦講求團體合作,過程中隊員之間建立了信任。Not only personal skills, Kabaddi requires team work; therefore, members build up trust and rapport in the game.
Course Coordinator Dr. Francisca Lai commented that the workshop requiring students to play Kabaddi could make them to reflect more deeply about the social meanings of this traditional South Asian sport in Hong Kong, and could inspire students to review the ethnic policy from multiple angles.