Mr. Wu Shing 吳誠先生
Academic Co-ordinator and Lecturer, Sport and Recreation Studies, Division of Social Sciences
3411 3101
Teaching Areas
Course(s) taught:- SPRS2500 Health and Fitness
- SPRS2504 Tests and Measurement in Sport and Recreation
- ELSS2507 Instructional Practices in Team Sports – Basketball
- CCHL1500 Active Team Ball Games – Basketball
- CCHL1502 Conditioning in Health and Fitness
- SRLP4045 Health Fitness Assessment & Exercise Prescription
- SRLP4008 Honours Project I
- SRLP4009 Honours Project II
- SRLP3009 Internship I
- SRLP4005 Internship II
Research Interests
- Exercise Physiology
- Tests & Measurement in Sports
- Exercise Prescription
- Health and Fitness
- Physical Activities
- Physical Education
- Strength and Conditioning
Professional Qualifications
- Corrective Exercise Specialist (The BioMechanics Method)
- Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (National Strength & Conditioning Association)
- Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer (Asian Academy for Sports and Fitness Professionals)
- ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist (American College of Sports Medicine)
- Elderly Fitness Instructor Certificate (Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China)
- Functional Training Instructor Certification (International Personal Trainers & Fitness Academy)
- Level 3 Basketball Referee (Basketball Association of Hong Kong, China Limited)
- Level 1 Basketball Coach Certificate (Basketball Association of Hong Kong, China Limited)
- Judo Grade C Coach Certificate (The Judo Association of Hong Kong, China)
- Diploma of Dan - Judo 1st Dan Black Belt (The Judo Association of Hong Kong, China)
- Level 1 Track & Field Coaching Certificate (Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association)
- Elementary Woodball Coach Certificate (Woodball Association of Hong Kong, China)
- Elementary Tchoukball Coach Certificate (Tchoukball Association of Hong Kong, China)
- Level 1 Sports Trainer (Sports Medicine Australia)
- First-aid Certificate (Hong Kong St. John Ambulance)
Selected Publications
- Yu, S.Y., Gao, Y., Wang, A.W., Sun, Y., Wang, J.J., Kwok, H.H.M., Wu, S., Lam, C.K., Tao, E.D., Jiao, J.J., Fong, S.S.M., Xie, Y.J., Zhang, D.X., Baker, J.S. (2022). Effectiveness of an adapted physical activity intervention for weight management in adolescents with intellectual disability: A randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Obes, (e12882).
- Cai, W., Sun, Y., Peng, K., Kwok, H., Lei, L., Wu, S., Lam, C.K., Li, L., Gao, Y. (2020). Physical activity-related injuries and risk factors among secondary school students in Hong Kong. Int J Environ Res Publ Health, 17(3), 747.
- Tong, T.K., Wu, S., & Nie, J. (2014). Sport-specific endurance plank test for evaluation of global core muscle function. Physical Therapy in Sport, 15(1), 58-63.
- Tong, T.K., Wu, S., Nie, J., Baker, J.S., & Lin, H. (2014). The occurrence of core muscle fatigue during high-intensity running exercise and its limitation to performance: the role of respiratory work. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 13(2), 244-51.
- Cheung, W.W., Tong, T.K., Morrison, A.B., Leung, R.W., Kwok, Y.L., & Wu, S. (2011). Anthropometrical and physiological profile of Chinese elite sport climbers. Med Sport, 15(1), 23-29.
Professional / Community Services
- 2024 – current: Registered Basketball Coach of Basketball Association of Hong Kong, China.
- 2021 – current: Basketball referee, Hong Kong Basketball Association Limited
- 2018 – 2024: Head coach, Billion Ocean Basketball Team, Men Division II, Hong Kong Basketball Association Limited
- 2009 – current: Committee Member, Physical Education & Recreation Management Alumni Association, Hong Kong Baptist University
- PI in “Perception of health risks due to climate change amongst sports administrators, coaches and athletes” awarded by SCE, HKBU (Seed Grant Fund: SCE/SGF/2223-02/05; July 2023 – June 2024)
- Co-I in “An investigation of safety attitudes, risk perception and risk-taking behaviour among cyclists in Hong Kong” awarded by SCE, HKBU (Seed Grant Fund: SCE/SGF/2223/02; Dec 2022 – Jun 2023)
- Committee Member in “Virtual Exchange for Authentic Teaching and Learning Innovation” (QESS fund: QESS/2021/APP-06)
- Co-I in “Multi-disciplinary Research Centre” by School of Continuing Education, HKBU. I was responsible to establish the Active Living Laboratory, and conducted a pilot study as Pi to investigate the fitness status among older adults in Hong Kong (MRC is a 3-year research-based IDS project funded by RGC, aimed at building research centers and promoting research activities in SCE, Project Ref. No.: UGC/IDS23/15, period: 2016-18)