國際學院舉辦「Enterprise Mobility on the Move」專業培訓工作坊
返回Breakthroughs in new technologies like smartphones and tablets have radically changed our daily lives and how business is conducted. To allow CIE students a better understanding of the information technology industry and its potential for development, a professional training workshop, “Enterprise Mobility on the Move,” was conducted by Mr. John Yeung, Founder of Bookschwa Technologies, who has over 14 years of experience in the IT industry and an extensive history of designing technology solutions. The workshop covered various interesting topics including the latest mobile technology trends, development models and innovative ideas in the market.
During the workshop, Mr. Yeung shared his insight and valuable experience on the architectural designs of mobile app platforms and how to brainstorm innovative ideas for tackling real-life issues. The students also got hands-on practice in the use of development which could benefit them in their preparation for further studies and career development.