FTAS is designed exclusively for CIE AD Year 2 students.  Eligible CIE AD students can confirm a seat in advance for Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Integrated Communication Management (BIM).

Benefits of FTAS:

  1. Eligible students may receive a conditional offer of admission in late November 2021; and
  2. No application fee is required


Interested students please download the application form at My BU-Study (My BU-Study -> My Services -> Articulation/Further Studies) and submit the completed application form with the required documents to 13/F, Academic Registry Services Section (Undergraduate Programmes) or by email (spadmit@hkbu.edu.hk) from 4 to 29 October 2021.

Should you have any queries related to the application procedures, please feel free to contact the Academic Registry Services Section Office at 3411-3044.

Check out more: https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ-ftqYsgqH/?hl=en
