作為一個在研究、教育及推廣樹木護養專業的國際領導者, 國際樹木學會(ISA)今年嘉許九位榮獲2018優秀獎(2018 Awards of Distinction) 的人士。優秀獎於2018年8月5日在美國俄亥俄州哥倫布市ISA年度國際會議開幕典禮中頒發。我們浸大國際學院的2007畢業生馬經倫先生榮獲Millard F. Blair 應用樹藝學傑出貢獻獎, 此獎項表揚在推廣應用樹藝學工作上表現傑出的人士。
馬經綸先生貢獻大部分時間在顧問及訓練工作上, 服務遍及香港、台灣、日本及馬來西亞地區。他特別致力教導母語非英語的樹藝師如何尊重工作及 增進他們的技術。他有強烈的信念把亞洲樹藝業和前線樹木工作者的工作水平提升。他亦是少數參與籌備國際樹木學會在香港設置分部及舉辦第一屆香港攀樹錦標賽的樹藝師。 經過數年無盡的努力 ,他對於香港、台灣、日本及馬來西亞樹藝業界的貢獻亦被肯定。我們浸大樹木管理專修恭喜他卓越的成就, 因為這成就及背後的故事令我們感到驕傲,CIE學生會以他為榜樣並盡我們所能努力追隨夢想!
The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), an international leader in research, education, and the promotion of professional tree care, recognized nine recipients for the “2018 Awards of Distinction”. The Awards of Distinction were presented during the opening ceremony on 5 August 2018 at ISA’s Annual International Conference in Columbus, Ohio, The United States. Mr. Samuel Ma, a former CIE graduate, is the recipient of “Millard F. Blair Exceptional Contribution to Practical Arboriculture Award”. This Award of Distinction honors individuals for providing outstanding service in promoting practical arboriculture in their work.
Samuel Ma devotes most of his time providing consultancy and training service of arboriculture in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia. In particular, he has been dedicated to assisting non-English-speaking arborists, teaching them how to respect their job and improve their own skills. He has strong passion to help the arboriculture industry and make tree care practitioners in Asia better than ever. Samuel was also one of the few arborists in developing the ISA Hong Kong Chapter and organizing the first official Hong Kong Tree Climbing Championship. After many years of staunch endeavor, his contribution in the arboriculture industry of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia is recognized. The Tree Management Concentration Study of CIE would like to congratulate his fantastic achievement. It is this achievement and amazing story behind have made us all proud. Students of CIE will take him as a role model and dedicate ourselves to pursue our dream. Cheers !
Click here to see Samuel Ma's video on youtube for his 2018 ISA Award of Distinction