The Punctum – the peripheral, the unexpected, the insignificant, as well as the binary opposite of the “studium” (viz. political correctness), denotes most of the contemporary educated tastes in society.
The Punctum is an academic e-journal showcasing scholarly and creative works spearheaded by lecturers from the Division of Arts and Languages (DAL), the College of International Education (CIE). Together with colleagues from other Divisions, new perspectives on various subjects enhance knowledge transfer and public discourse in relation to human society. The Punctum‘s rhyme and reason is to facilitate transdisciplinary or interdisciplinary discussions uniting CIE teaching staff to foster intellectual exchanges with other stakeholders in the community. The success of these discourses shall boast a College-wide online publishing platform featuring both academic attainments as well as collaborative efforts of CIE lecturers.
Currently, The Punctum publishes one volume per academic year.