The Punctum is interested in any contributions that focus on the relation between professional knowledge and real-world problems across arts, language, applied science, business, communication, and social sciences. Works submitted to the journal should be original, represent scholarship, and make positive contributions to human society.
The Punctum welcomes both short reports of original research, conceptual articles, critical commentaries, and literary works. Occasionally, contributions of any length (e.g., poems), if justified, will be published, but manuscripts sent to The Punctum should not exceed the following word limits:
1400 – 2800 words for short papers (including references, submitted as a doc or docx Microsoft Word file)
800 – 1000 words for poster papers (including images and references, submitted as a png graphic file)
200 – 400 words for literary works (e.g., poetry, prose, etc., submitted as a doc or docx Microsoft Word file)
There are no strict formatting requirements, but short papers should be composed in paragraph form, while poster papers should contain a considerable amount of visual content in the form of images with a dpi of 300 or above. If hypertext or QR code is present, please ensure that the embedded link is valid. Additional details may be requested upon acceptance.
References (if applicable) can be in any style or format as long as a consistent scholarly citation format (e.g., APA 7th ed., MLA 9th ed., CSE 9th ed., etc.) is applied throughout. The language used in submissions to The Punctum should be Standard English. Spelling can be British or American English as long as usage is consistent. If there are English translations of specialized terminology from Chinese, ensure that they are followed by the original Chinese characters in parentheses, such as “yin-yang (陰陽)”.
The Punctum aims to publish high-quality works that adhere to expected ethical standards. Submitted materials must be free from plagiarism, defamation, and/or any unlawful content. All contributors should take responsibility for the content submitted.