Geography and Resources Management (GRMG) Students Acquired Initial Skills in Working with Geographic Information System (GIS) Software 2019-06-12
HKBU CIE and Green Power release results of public perception survey on Country Parks in Hong Kong 浸大國際學院與綠色力量聯合發布「香港市民對郊野公園之意見調查」 2019-03-11
Green Leader Study Tour in Taiwan fosters vision in sustainable development among student leaders 2019-01-31
Geography and Resources Management (GRMG) Students Participated in the Yuen Long Bypass Floodway Eco Tour 「地理及資源管理」專修學生參加了元朗排水繞道生態導賞 2018-10-10
Geography and Resources Management (GRMG) students attended the Geographic Information System (GIS) training workshop 2018-06-13
浸大國際學院「地理及資源管理」專修調查:八成元朗居民希望「元朗明渠」復修成綠化河濱公園 CIE Geography and Resources Management students conduct a community survey on residents’ perceptions of Yuen Long Nullah 2017-03-22