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Division of Communication

Creative Communication
As a mainland student, CIE provided me with many opportunities to participate in student activities. During my study, I participated in the Europe study tour and successfully received the ROA scholarship. The study tour experience was very helpful for my further studies. In addition, I also participated in the Communication Student Union and co-organized student activities, including orientations and guest lectures. As a student who was not good at Cantonese at the time, these were all good opportunities to practise my language skills. The experiences in joining CIE activities have greatly influenced my future career in Hong Kong, which made me involve more in local life and engage better in a Cantonese-speaking environment.
Li Chen  ’18
  • Investor Research Associate
  • Associate Degree of Arts (Creative Communication), HKBU 2018
The experiences in joining school activities have greatly influenced my future career in Hong Kong.
Li Chen  ’18
  • Investor Research Associate
CIE offers various curriculums which gave me an in-depth understanding towards the art of communications. Apart from that, I obtained event organisation and project management skills by being a committee member of the Communication Union. These skills enabled me to stand alone at work. I’m truly proud of my identity as a CIER!
Suen Wai Ming  ’15
  • Assistant Employee Engagement Manager
  • Associate Degree of Arts (Creative Communication), HKBU 2015
I obtained event organisation and project management skills by being a committee member of the Communication Union. I’m truly proud of my identity as a CIER!
Suen Wai Ming  ’15
  • Assistant Employee Engagement Manager
CIE provided diversified development opportunities, in which the AD HERE Advertising Competition allowed me to personally experience the entire conceptualisation process and to gain a deeper understanding of the operations in the advertising industry, which could be practically applied to my work.
Ng Wing Ling  ’14
  • Account Manager
  • Associate Degree of Arts (Creative Communication), HKBU 2014
AD HERE Advertising Competition allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the operations in the advertising industry.
Ng Wing Ling  ’14
  • Account Manager
The wide variety of activities provided me with opportunities of planning events, writing scripts and practicing skills of communication. I participated in AD Here Advertising Competition in CIE, which equipped me with experience for further study in HKBU. The skills I learned from the activities are useful for every single step of my career.
Ip Ka Yan  ’13
  • Project Coordinator in a social welfare organization
  • Associate of Arts (Creative Communication), HKBU 2013
The skills I learned from the activities are useful for every single step of my career.
Ip Ka Yan  ’13
  • Project Coordinator in a social welfare organization
Creative Digital Media Design
CIE has a highly diverse learning environment. I encountered different types of learning activities throughout my study at CDMD. You can also pick up filmmaking and 3D animation production knowledge in addition to design skills. A diverse learning environment like this helped me to develop new skills and identify my real interest for further study.
Chan Pui Yan  ’22
  • Currently studying Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Creative Arts and Culture (Visual Arts), EdUHK
The diverse learning environment helped me to develop new abilities and to identify my true areas of interest as I prepare for further study.
Chan Pui Yan  ’22
  • Currently studying Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Creative Arts and Culture (Visual Arts), EdUHK
CIE helped me to kick-start in the creative industry, equipped me with a wide range of skills and knowledge in design that are treasurable to me.
Wan Yeuk Hei, Dick  ’14
  • Computer Graphic Compositor in FATface Post Production Limited
  • Associate of Arts (Creative Digital Media Design), HKBU 2014
CIE helped me to kick-start in the creative industry, equipped me with a wide range of skills and knowledge in design that are treasurable to me.
Wan Yeuk Hei, Dick  ’14
  • Computer Graphic Compositor in FATface Post Production Limited
Creative Digital Media Design Concentration Studies taught me what design and creativity really are. The exposure made me determined to pursue a career in the design industry.
Wong Fuk Hong, Andrew  ’14
  • Graphic Designer in marketing and advertising agency
  • Associate of Arts (Creative Digital Media Design), HKBU 2014
Creative Digital Media Design Concentration Studies taught me what design and creativity really are. The exposure made me determined to pursue a career in the design industry.
Wong Fuk Hong, Andrew  ’14
  • Graphic Designer in marketing and advertising agency
At CIE, I met the lecturers who are most passionate in teaching. They saw our potential and encourage us to find our possibilities. Other than art and design, I learnt how to create and present my ideas, which are important in the creative industries.
Wong Tsz Ting, Amy  ’14
  • Reporter in a Japanese news agency
  • Associate of Arts (Creative Digital Media Design), HKBU 2014
At CIE, I met the lecturers who are most passionate in teaching.
Wong Tsz Ting, Amy  ’14
  • Reporter in a Japanese news agency
Film, Television and Digital Media Studies
FTDM programme not only provided rich film knowledge to lay a good foundation for future development, but also provided creative space for us to produce different interesting works.
Ngai Sze Kei  ’20
  • Photographer and Script writer
  • Associate Degree of Arts (Film, Television and Digital Media Studies), HKBU 2020
FTDM programme provides creative space for us to produce different interesting works.
Ngai Sze Kei  ’20
  • Photographer and Script writer
The programme introduced me to the world of film, as an invitation to dive deep into its creation and culture. The inter-disciplinary approach inspired me to think deeper into a film’s connotation and cultural meaning. With the comprehensive knowledge and skills taught in the programme, I was able to pursue further study and produce films in my undergraduate and master years.
Tang Tsz Lik  ’20
  • Currently studying Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies, CUHK
  • Associate Degree of Arts (Film, Television and Digital Media Studies), HKBU 2020
The programme introduced me to the world of film, as an invitation to dive deep into its creation and culture.
Tang Tsz Lik  ’20
  • Currently studying Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies, CUHK
My appreciation goes to CIE lecturers who taught me film knowledge and inspired me to think and to create. It helped me to be competitive at University and in the workplace. I also met many friends here with the same goal and interests.
Yuen Wing Shan  ’20
  • Media Officer
  • Associate Degree of Arts (Film, Television and Digital Media Studies), HKBU 2020
My appreciation goes to CIE lecturers who taught me film knowledge and inspired me to think and to create.
Yuen Wing Shan  ’20
  • Media Officer
The Journalism programme was rich in content and closely kept up with the times. The two years of campus life cultivated my multi-perspective thinking and critical thinking skills, which was beneficial for me to join the media industry.
Wong Hiu Kei  ’20
  • Journalist
  • Associate Degree of Arts (Journalism), HKBU 2020
The Journalism programme was rich in content and closely kept up with the times.
Wong Hiu Kei  ’20
  • Journalist
Thanks to the support of CIE, I had the chance to explore the industry through organising sharings by industry experts. I was also fortunate to have met a lot of friends who were passionate in journalism.
Shum Yu Hin Michael  ’17
  • Senior Reporter
  • Associate Degree of Arts (Journalism), HKBU 2017
I was fortunate to have met a lot of friends who were passionate in journalism.
Shum Yu Hin Michael  ’17
  • Senior Reporter
The College provides a variety of experiential learning opportunities to students. I have joined the leadership training scheme, editorial team of College publication Invisible, organising committee of AD Here Advertising Competition and etc. I have the chance to work with teammates from different concentration studies, learning how to appreciate the uniqueness of others. My horizons have been broadened and these experiences are beneficial to my personal growth.
Christy Leung  ’14
  • Reporter in TV broadcaster
  • Associate of Arts (Journalism), HKBU 2014
The College provides a variety of experiential learning opportunities to students I have the chance to work with teammates from different concentration studies.
Christy Leung  ’14
  • Reporter in TV broadcaster
Media Communication
My two-year study at CIE was filled with various remarkable opportunities. From working as logistic support staff in the Hong Kong Film Award and the Effie Awards Hong Kong to internship at an entertainment company, these experiences have broadened my horizons and enriched my professional knowledge and skills. Undoubtedly, these played a significant role in shaping my future career path.
Wong Wing Tung  ’23
  • Currently studying Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication, CityU
  • Associate Degree of Arts (Media Communication), HKBU 2023
From working as logistic support staff in the Hong Kong Film Award and the Effie Awards Hong Kong to internship at an entertainment company, these experiences have broadened my horizons.
Wong Wing Tung  ’23
  • Currently studying Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication, CityU
The journey in CIE helped me to set goals and become a better me. The programme provided a good academic foundation and offered me a precious opportunity to practise and demonstrate what I have learnt to a real client. It is no doubt to say that CIE provided us unlimited opportunities. It’s time for you to make changes!
Mok Ho San  ’21
  • Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Public Relations and Advertising (Organizational Communication Concentration), HKBU 2023
The journey in CIE had helped me to set goals and become a better me.
Mok Ho San  ’21
  • Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Public Relations and Advertising (Organizational Communication Concentration), HKBU 2023
Research, Analysis and Creativity are the essential elements of Media Communication. Employing these skills in diverse scenarios can make one stand out.
Yeung Chun Kit  ’21
  • Currently studying Bachelor of Arts (Global Creative Industries), HKU
  • Associate Degree of Arts (Media Communication), HKBU 2021
Research, Analysis and Creativity are the essential elements of Media Communication. Employing these skills in diverse scenarios can make one stand out.
Yeung Chun Kit  ’21
  • Currently studying Bachelor of Arts (Global Creative Industries), HKU
Media Communication Programme provided me with a platform to learn different skills and techniques, including preparing media plan and data analysis, as well as using video editing software. The programme also provided many internship opportunities and experiences in collaborating with different organisations.
Cheng Kai Lok  ’20
  • Communication and Resources Department Executives
  • Associate Degree of Arts (Media Communication), HKBU 2020
Media Communication programme provided me with a platform to learn different skills and techniques, including preparing media plan and data analysis, as well as using video editing software.
Cheng Kai Lok  ’20
  • Communication and Resources Department Executives
In addition to learning course theories, lecturers encouraged students to actively participate in different related activities. Students could practise what they have learned in service learning activities, which were beneficial for them to pursue a career in the media industry.
Ho Wai Sum  ’20
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Government & International Studies, HKBU 2022
Students could practise what they have learned in service-learning activities, which were beneficial for them to pursue a career in the media industry.
Ho Wai Sum  ’20
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Government & International Studies, HKBU 2022
Studying Media and Communication programme not only enabled me to acquire practical skills, but also enhanced my innovative thinking and teamwork abilities. Through collaborating with classmates to tackle challenging tasks, I learned how to apply my knowledge to solve real-life problems and effectively work towards shared goals. These valuable experiences have not only prepared me for my future academic career, but have also made me more confident and independent in my daily life.
Lin Zhihuai  ’19
  • Currently studying Master of Philosophy, School of Communication, HKBU
  • Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Journalism and Digital Media, HKBU 2021
  • Associate Degree of Arts (Media Communication), HKBU 2019
Through collaborating with classmates to tackle challenging tasks, I learned how to apply my knowledge to solve real-life problems and effectively work towards shared goals.
Lin Zhihuai  ’19
  • Currently studying Master of Philosophy, School of Communication, HKBU