Experts sharing on investment experience and the trend of financial market
BackThe Division of Business organised “2017 Investment Knowledge and Skill Seminar” and “2017 Investment Products and Sharing Seminar” at which experts from the industry were invited to speak on the current trend of the financial market and share their career advice to students.
The guest speakers included Mr. Frederick Chu, Senior Vice-President of Business Development of China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited; Ms. Joanne Siu, Associate Director of Marketing, ETF & Index Team of Samsung Asset Management (HK) Limited; Mr. Alvin Li, Chief Strategist, ETF and Index Solutions of CSOP Asset Management Limited; and Mr. Chris Leung, Chief Trading Officer of I-Access Group Limited.
Over 400 students from various Concentration Studies of the Associate Degree Programme and Undergraduate Programmes joined both seminars. Not only did they find the investment experience sharing applicable to the real-life environment, but also useful for the upcoming “The 4th Investment Stimulation Game” and “The 2nd Joint University Investment Game 2017”.