CIE New Student Orientation Week 2014 welcomes about 2,500 new students
To ensure a smooth transition into University life and to prepare students to face the challenges and opportunities ahead, the College of International Education, HKBU organized a New Student Orientation (NSO) Week to welcome about 2,500 new students of Associate Degree and Undergraduate Degree programmes. Taking “A Vision To Come True” as the theme of this year, the College encouraged students to strike for academic excellence and achieve their goals through the all-round support of the College.
Speaking at the NSO launching ceremony, Dr. Sam Lau, Director of CIE welcomed all students to the CIE Family. He shared his story of receiving a scholarship to study in the University of Cambridge to encourage students to be proactive and treasure every opportunity to learn. He also advised students to take the initiative to ask teachers, counselors and senior-year students for advice and assistance if they have encountered any problems. He hoped students would do their best in academic pursuits and have a memorable college life.
Ms. Helia Hai, In charge of Student Development Centre encouraged students to make good use the time at CIE to develop their interests and equip themselves into a confident and responsible individual who are competent in time management and life planning.
In the self-funded undergraduate programmes NSO session, student representatives from the “Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning” of the university introduced to the students the 7 HKBU Graduate Attributes: Citizenship, Knowledge, Learning, Skills, Creativity, Communication and Teamwork. They also shared how the “Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning @ HKBU” could help students to develop these qualities which employers find most valuable in a new employee.
The NSO Week is organized by the Student Development Centre with the support from Academic Team, Administrative sections, and Student Ambassadors. Senior -year students as well as alumni were also invited to share their learning experience in CIE with new students.