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Guest Talk by Ms. Ysabelle Cheung, Founder & Manager of the Liar’s League

04 Dec, 2014

As part of our Internationalization initiative, CIE had the pleasure of the company of an artist, Ms. Ysabelle Cheung, Founder and Manager of the Liars’ League, amongst us. CIE students who are interested in creative writing, acting, and drama were most delighted to attend a talk and discussion session on November 17, 2014, with Ysabelle, a versatile writer, editor and illustrator from London. The immense contribution she gives to the thriving art-scene in Hong Kong is truly inspiring to impressionable young minds. Ysabelle most generously shared with us details of the Liars’ League which she founded in 2012 in Hong Kong, following its inception in London in 2007.


 “The connection between the audience and the performer is crucial,” said Ysabelle. This revival of the oral tradition of story-telling brings back this long-forgotten dynamics between the listener and the reader/performer.


Beside the Liars’ League, Ysabelle is also the Associate Editor in Time Out magazine and the curator for graphite zine Tiny Pencil