The CIE Scholarship and Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 10 January, 2014 with the attendance of over 130 students, parents, donors and lecturers.
The honourable guests of the Ceremony included Mr. Terrance Yeung, Chairman of CIE Advisory Committee, Dr. Richard Fung, Mr. Lin Chun Pong, Mr. Bernard Wu and Dr. William Yu, members of CIE Advisory Committee, Dr. Simon Wong, Dean of School of Continuing Education, HKBU and Dr. Sam Lau, Director of CIE, HKBU.
To recognize students’ outstanding achievements, the College presented Entrance Scholarship, Professor Herbert H. Tsang Scholarship, Bernard Wu Scholarship, and Academic Performance Scholarship to 36 outstanding Associate Degree and Self-funded Undergraduate Degree students. The College also took the opportunity to announce the results of the FOTO Green Competition 2013 and present the certificates of appreciation to the Green Ambassadors.
In the ceremony, five awardees shared their learning experience and their appreciation of receiving the scholarships. Ms. Leung Wai Kuen (AD Year 1 Student), who was bestowed with the Prof. Herbert H. Tsang Scholarship upon her outstanding academic achievement, expressed her gratitude towards the support of her family and lecturers throughout the year. She planned to make use of the fund for an overseas study tour, hoping to enrich her international exposure.