返回Over 40 CIE students joined the “Tithe Ethical Consumption Movement (TECM) 2016 Kick-off Ceremony cum Fullness Social Enterprises Society (FSES) 5th Anniversary Celebration aiming at promoting ethical consumption, social innovation and entrepreneurship among different sectors.
Ms. Erica LEE, Lecturer and staff-in-charge of the event shared that students from Business Division had joined this meaningful programme three years in a row. This year, they took up different important roles such as the MC in the Social Innovation Pitch Competition, as well as the poster presenters, researchers and promoters in the bazaar.
LIANG Jiayuan, Gavyn (Business Administration, Year 2), the volunteer and MC of the Social Innovation Pitch Competition was inspired by how young people come up with useful and creative ideas to help the underprivileged groups. He was glad to have joined the event and much impressed by boundless support of participants given to social enterprises regardless of their roles and background.
SZE On Ni (Marketing, Year 2) said that after serving as a student volunteer in TECM bazaar, she has learned a lot from other students. She was also impressed by the effort paid by the social workers who have helped the underprivileged groups through running a social enterprise.