国际学院学生参观廉政公署 了解建立廉洁工作文化的重要性
返回Students studying the course “Business Ethics and Social Responsibilities (BESR)” were arranged to visit the ICAC Headquarters to learn about the importance of establishing ethical workplace culture.
Ms. Lily Chung, Regional Officer of New Territories East of ICAC, shared with students on the government rules for tackling bribery and the different cases involving conflict of interest in workplace. Students also got a chance to visit the ICAC Exhibition Gallery. A marketing student, Luke Man shared, “The field trip helps me understand the work of ICAC and establish my ethical values.”
To further promote the importance of anti-corruption, students will help ICAC set up a booth on 6 and 10 March at Shek Mun Campus and SCE Tower respectively at which students are encouraged to join the ICAC Club at the booths.