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Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in
Social Policy

This programme is offered by the College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University for holders of Associate Degree (AD) or Higher Diploma (HD) in the social-sciences-related disciplines who wish to continue on to a Bachelor’s degree in social policy.



  • 训练同学理解、参与制定及评估本地、区域及国际的社会政策;
  • 提高同学对社会不公义和不平等事件的意识,关注当代社会面对的挑战;
  • 培养同学对社会上的不同需要及各种重要的社会发展的了解,建立融会社会政策理论、领导力理论和组织理论的能力,为他们日后投身公营、第三界别或非牟利机构做好准备。


由浸大颁授社会政策社会科学学士 (荣誉) 学位课程




The four-year undergraduate programme requires students to complete a total of 128 units, including 63 units of Major Courses, 13 units of University Core Courses, 18 units of General Education Courses and 34 units of Free Elective Courses. Students with Associate Degree or Higher Diploma qualifications will normally be admitted directly into the third year of study to complete the programme in two years.

Specifically, students are required to complete 48 units of Major Core Courses, 15 units of Major Elective Courses and 3 units of General Education Capstone Course.

* This GE capstone course will be opened to all self-funded undergraduate students. Student may select a GE capstone course offered by different self-funded undergraduate programmes.

University Core (13 units)

The University Core is a requirement in the undergraduate curriculum which aims at providing students with the essential and transferable knowledge and skills that help them lead successful lives both during and following their university education, and ultimately supporting the University’s commitment to develop the Graduate Attributes among students.

University English♦
University Chinese♦
Healthy Lifestyle♦
The Art of Persuasion♦

General Education (15 units)

The General Education (GE) Programme provides the foundation of a well-rounded university education. The goal of the programme is to promote Whole Person Education (WPE) through exposure to a range of transferable skills, guiding principles, and attitudes that all students will need in their future professional and personal lives.

Level 1 Foundational Courses#
Level 2 Interdisciplinary Thematic Courses

♦ For Associate Degree or Higher Diploma applicants, a block transfer of University Core Courses will be granted.

# For Associate Degree applicants, a block transfer of 9 units will be granted.

Programme Prerequisite / Free Elective Courses (34 units)

Programme Prerequisite / Free Elective Courses are normally exempted for Associate Degree / Higher Diploma graduates seeking for year 3 entry.


  1. The number of courses/units the students are required to complete will depend on the number of courses/units for which exemption and/or unit transfer will be granted. All unit transfer or course exemption shall be considered on a case-by-case basis upon admission. Students are required to complete all programme prerequisites, University Core and GE courses to meet the graduation requirement.
  2. Students without social sciences background are required to take a prerequisite course Social Policy in the 1st semester of year 3.
  3. Unit transfer equivalent to 28 units of University Core and GE courses will be considered by the Programme management on a case-by-case basis.
  4. Make-up courses may be required on admission.
  5. Students are required to complete a non-credit bearing University Life programme.


To be eligible for admission, a candidate should hold

  • an Associate Degree (AD) in Applied Social Service or related disciplines from any of the local/overseas recognised institutions; or
  • a relevant Higher Diploma (HD) from any recognised institutions.

Candidates who possess equivalent qualifications are to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Students are expected to complete all programme prerequisites and GE courses in their Associate Degree / Higher Diploma studies. Otherwise, they may have to complete additional units of study to make up for the programme prerequisites and GE courses at College of International Education (CIE), Hong Kong Baptist University.


The programme is offered at the Hong Kong Baptist University's Shek Mun (Shatin) Campus, which is located next to the Shek Mun Station of MTR Tuen Ma Line. With a gross floor area of 30,000m2, the campus provides full university facilities, including indoor heated swimming pool, gymnasium, fitness room, dance room, auditorium, multimedia laboratories, library and learning commons. Special learning facilities such as bioeco laboratory, creative science laboratory, food sensory laboratory, testing and analytical laboratory, food and nutritional science laboratory, active living laboratory, social science research laboratory, media communication laboratory, psychology laboratory and child assessment centre are also set up to provide students with practical experiences in their areas of study.


Local: HKD86,922 per year
Students are required to complete 66 units in two years at HKD2,634 per unit (Total HKD173,844)
Non-local: HKD95,832 per year
Students are required to complete 66 units in two years at HKD2,904 per unit (Total HKD191,664)

The annual tuition fee is paid in two equal instalments, normally before the start of the first and the second semesters. For newly enrolled undergraduate students, HKD5,000 of the first instalment plus some fees will have to be paid by the applicants for acceptance of their admission offers and the balance will have to be paid in late August. Students are required to pay full tuition fees per semester during the normal period of study, regardless of the number of units enrolled in the semester.

For students who are required to take make-up course(s) to fulfil the programme prerequisites, University Core and/or GE courses, additional tuition fee for the make-up course(s) will be charged at HKD2,017 per unit.


Full-time local students may apply for the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) and the Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS) administered by the Student Finance Office (SFO) under the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA), HKSAR Government. For more information, students should contact the SFO or visit its website at


The University accepts both online and paper application. The online application system and paper application form can be found at our website ( Applicants may apply for more than one programme if they wish to. A non-refundable and non-transferable application fee will be charged for EACH applied programme.

Online Application:
Applicants should submit the application through our website and are required to settle the application fee (HKD450) via online payment gateway (credit card, PPS online or Mobile Payment) before the application deadline. Please refer to the "Important Information" and "Instructions" in the online application system for details.

Paper Application:
Applicants should submit the completed application form together with the relevant supporting documents and proof of application fee (HKD450) before the application deadline. Please refer to the "Notes to Applicants" printed on the application form for details.


For enquiries concerning the application procedure, please contact Academic Registry Services Section.
Tel: 3411 3044
Fax: 3411 3361
Address: Hong Kong Baptist University (Shek Mun Campus)
               13/F, 8 On Muk Street, Shek Mun, Shatin, New Territories

