Dr. Martin C.K. Tsui 徐志強博士
Academic Co-ordinator and Lecturer, Generic Content - GE Level 1 Foundational Courses (History and Civilization / Quantitative Reasoning) / Generic Content - GE Level 2 Interdisciplinary Thematic Courses (Sustainable Communities) / Generic Content - Free Electives (Developing Leadership and Management Skills), Division of Business
cktsui@hkbu.edu.hk3411 4346
Teaching Areas
Course(s) taught:- BUAD2302 Principles of Microeconomics
- CCPP1500 Planning Your Academic and Career Pathways
- FCHC1300 The Rise of the Modern Global Economy
- FCQR1300 Quantitative Analysis for the Business World
- FREL1304 Analysing Global Economic Issues in the 21st Century
Research Interests
- Income return rate of education and training in the labour market
- Career education, social impacts of the employment opportunity, human capital, workplace skills and competences
- Social entrepreneurship and brand building
Selected Publications
- Tsui, C.K. Martin. (2013, December) A Re-structuring of the Economy of Hong Kong in 10 Years. (香港經濟10年內必須根本轉型). Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly.
- Lau, S.S. Sam, Tsui, C.K. Martin, & Wan, T.H. Kelvin. (2020, December 08) Effects of a Blended Synchronous Career Development Course on Students’ Career Awareness, [Conference presentation]. Paper 23 on eLearning Forum Asia 2020, CUHK.
- Lau, S.S. Sam, Tsui, C.K. Martin, & Wan, T.H. Kelvin. (2021, March) Evaluation of a Blended Career Education Course during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students’ Career Awareness. Sustainability 2021, 13(6), 3471; https://doi.org/10.3390/su13063471
- Lau, S.S. Sam, Tsui, C.K. Martin, Qi, Christine & Ma, Frankie. (2021, June 11) Assessing the Gap of Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSA) of University Students towards Workplace Skills and Competences. [Symposium presentation]. Annual Research Symposium 2021, HKBU School of Continuing Education.
- Tsui, C.K. Martin, Li, Connie & Chui, Margaret. (2022, August 18) Hong Kong Consumers Perceptions of Private and Social Enterprise Health Care and Fitness Service Providers – A Stereotyping Approach. [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Environment & Human Health: Challenges & Opportunities in the 21st Century 2022, HKBU School of Continuing Education.
- Tsui, C.K. Martin, Li, Connie & Chui, Margaret. (2023, June 14) “How Do Consumer Stereotypes Affect Social Enterprises and Profit-making Companies? A Study of Social Enterprises Stereotypes Across Five Industries in Hong Kong. [Conference presentation].
- 徐志強 (2018年01月25日) 。年宵大作戰: 建立團隊。《溫暖人間》,481期。
- 徐志強 (2018年02月08日)。年宵大作戰: 俯首甘為孻子牛。《溫暖人間》,482期。
- 徐志強 (2019年04月18日)。老師寫給同學的信(一) 學懂放下,善用壓力成為推動力。《溫暖人間》,513期。
- 徐志強 (2019年05月02日)。老師寫給同學的信(二) 學則不固 過勿憚改。《溫暖人間》,514期。
- 徐志強 (2020年05月14日)。一種社企的使命感(一):非以役人,乃役於人。《溫暖人間》,541期。
- 徐志強 (2020年05月28日)。一種社企的使命感(二):一飯之恩不易求。《溫暖人間》,542期。
- 徐志強 (2020年06月11日)。一種社企的使命感(三):如人飲水 冷暖自知。《溫暖人間》,543期。
- 徐志強 (2020年06月25日)。高中選什麼科好?《溫暖人間》,544期。
- 徐志強 (2021年05月27日)。溝通之秘訣:和下一代說道理 《溫暖人間》,568期
- 徐志強 (2022年03月31日)。做Project的煩惱(一) 搭順風車的隊友《溫暖人間》,590期。
- 徐志強 (2022年04月14日)。做Project的煩惱(二) 突破想搭順風車的盲點《溫暖人間》,591期。
- 徐志強 (2023年03月02日) 。在疫情中成長:育成領袖。《溫暖人間》,614期。
- 徐志強 (2023年03月30日) 。當青年遇上AI (一):開發人工智能孰好孰壞?。《溫暖人間》,616期。
- 徐志強 (2023年04月13日)。當青年遇上AI (二) 向人工智能發問。《溫暖人間》,617期。
- 徐志強 (2023年04月27日)。當青年遇上AI (三) 人工智能給我們的回覆 。《溫暖人間》,618期。
Professional / Community Services
- Voluntary services to the HKU to host regular meetings of the alumni-student consultation group.
- Voluntary services as a columnist of magazine Compassion Bi-Weekly溫暖人間雙週刊 “窩心同學會” column.
- Co-Investigator of the project entitled “Pilot Scheme on Global Workplace Experience (Business and Management Related Disciplines” awarded by Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS), EDB
- Principle Investigator of “From Warmth to Competence: How Digitalization Impacts Consumer Evaluations of Social Enterprises” awarded by the SCE Research Management Committee (Seed Grant Funding Scheme 2020/21)
- Co-investigator of “Turning challenges into opportunities: How students perceive their intercultural competence development and wellness in the globalised world during the COVID-19 pandemic” awarded by the SCE Research Management Committee (Seed Grant Funding Scheme 2021/22 (2nd Round))