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Our Staff

School of Continuing Education, HKBU

Dean, School of Continuing Education
Prof. Ronald C.K. Chung BSc (Eng) (HKU), MSc, PhD (Southern California), CEng, FBCS, FHKIE

College of International Education, HKBU

Acting Director
Dr. Amelia N.Y. Lee, MH BSocSc (Hons) (East Asia), DipEd (CUHK), Adv DipEd, MEd (HKU), Cert (G&C)(CUHK), EdD (Durham)
Associate Heads
Dr. Benjamin K.L. Cheng BSocSc (Hons), MPhil, PhD (HKBU), SFHEA
Ms. Shirley W.S. Yeung BSc (London), MSc (PolyU)
Principal Lecturer
Dr. Sam S.S. Lau BSc (Hons) (HKBU), MPhil (CUHK), PhD (Cambridge)
Senior Lecturers
Dr. Benjamin K.L. Cheng BSocSc (Hons), MPhil, PhD (HKBU), SFHEA
Dr. Sheren S.K. Cheng BA (Hons) (HKBU), PCEd (HKU), MPhil, PhD (HKBU)
Dr. Theresa Cunanan BA, MA, PCEd (HKU), PhD (East Anglia), MBA (South Australia)
Dr. Terence C.P. Lee BCogSc, MPhil, PhD (HKU)
Dr. Tsen Wai-sing BSc, MPhil, PhD (CUHK), FHEA
Dr. Karen L.Y. Woo BSc (CUHK), MPhil (HKUST), MSc (HKU), PhD (CUHK), FRGS, SFHEA
Division of Applied Science
Division Leader
Dr. Karen L.Y. Woo BSc (CUHK), MPhil (HKUST), MSc (HKU), PhD (CUHK), FRGS, SFHEA
Programme Director of Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Environment and Resources Management
Dr. Chow Ka-lai BSc (Hons), PhD (HKBU)
Associate Programme Director (Applied Science) of Associate Degree Programme
Dr. Karen L.Y. Woo BSc (CUHK), MPhil (HKUST), MSc (HKU), PhD (CUHK), FRGS, SFHEA
Academic Co-ordinators
Dr. Cartwright Stephen Robert
 Environmental Conservation Studies
BSc (Hons) (Plymouth), PhD (HKU)
Dr. Banny S.K. Chan BSc (OUHK), MSc (Warwick), PGCert (PolyU), MHKCS, EdD (HKU)
Dr. Joseph W.T. Chan
 Financial Technology
BSc, PhD (HKU)
Dr. Joanne P.K. Fung
 Nutrition and Food Management
BSc, MPhil, PhD (CUHK), FHEA
Dr. Lee Fu-wa
 Life Science
Dr. Popsy Y.F. Poon
 Health Sciences
Dr. Karen L.Y. Woo
 Geography and Resources Management
Dr. Coleby Alastor Merlin BSc (Hons) (London), MSc (Aberdeen), PhD (Heriot-Watt), FHEA
Dr. Wei Xi BEng (China Pharm), MPhil, PhD (HKBU)
Assistant Lecturers
Mr. Oscar T.H. Cheung BSc, MSc, PGDE (CUHK)
Division of Arts and Languages
Division Leader
Dr. Theresa Cunanan BA, MA, PCEd (HKU), PhD (East Anglia), MBA (South Australia)
Programme Director of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies and Creative Industries
Dr. Sun Jue MA (Warwick), MJ (HKU), PhD (HKU)
Associate Programme Director (Arts and Languages) of Associate Degree Programme
Dr. Theresa Cunanan BA, MA, PCEd (HKU), PhD (East Anglia), MBA (South Australia)
Academic Co-ordinators
Dr. Sidney S.N. Chan BA (Hons), MPhil, PhD (HKBU)
Ms. Semy H.M. Chen MA, MA (CityU)
Dr. Sheren S.K. Cheng BA (Hons) (HKBU), PCEd (HKU), MPhil, PhD (HKBU)
Dr. Dickson C.L. Cheung
 Cultural Studies
BA, MPhil (CUHK), PhD (HKU)
Dr. Lam Ka-wing BA (Hons), MPhil, PhD (HKBU), PGDE(S) (HKIEd)
Dr. Raymond W.M. Lam
 Chinese for Professional Purposes
BA (National Tsing Hua), MA (PolyU), PGDE, EdD (HKU)
Dr. Toni K.W. Lam BA (HKU), MPhil (Cambridge), MA, PhD (CUHK), PGDip
Dr. Miriam L.C. Lau BA, MA (HKU), PhD (Birmingham)
Dr. Bernie C.N. Mak
 Professional Communication and English Studies
BA, MPhil (HKU), PhD (CUHK)
Ms. Bernice H.Y. Teng BComm (Macquarie), MA (CityU)
Miss Wong Hei-man BA, MA (HKU)
Ms. Shannel M.C. Carnett BSBA (Arizona), M.Ed. (EdUHK)
Miss Tam Wing-sze BA (Hons), MPhil (HKBU)
Dr. Yvonne Y.Y. Wong BA, MPhil (CUHK), PhD (Durham)
Division of Business
Acting Division Leader
Mr. Eric T.K. Lau BA (Hons) (De Montfort), BA (Hons) (Greenwich), MBA (Aston in Birmingham), PCEd (HKU), MABP (South Australia), RT (EDB)
Programme Director of Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Accountancy
Mr. Paul Lam BBA (LU), MSc (PolyU), MBA (CityU), FCCA (ACCA), CPA (HKICPA)
Programme Director of Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Human Resources Management
Dr. Catherine Ng BBA (Hons) (HKBU), MBA, EdD (CUHK)
Programme Director of Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Marketing
Dr. Kwan Ho-yan BBA (Hons), PhD (HKBU)
Associate Programme Director (Business) of Associate Degree Programme
Mr. Eric T.K. Lau BA (Hons) (De Montfort), BA (Hons) (Greenwich), MBA (Aston in Birmingham), PCEd (HKU), MABP (South Australia), RT (EDB)
Academic Co-ordinators
Mr. Gary K.H. Ho BA (Hons), MA (York)
Dr. Angel Lai
MA (Kent at Canterbury), PCEd (HKU), DBA (Newcastle)
Mr. Eric T.K. Lau
 Tourism and Hospitality Management
BA (Hons) (De Montfort), BA (Hons) (Greenwich), MBA (Aston in Birmingham), PCEd (HKU), MABP (South Australia), RT (EDB)
Ms. Fiona S.T. Lee
 Professional Accountancy
BCom (New South Wales), MSc (PolyU), MEd (HKBU)
Dr. Amy M.C. Tsang PGDip (CIM), MBA (Sheffield Hallam), PhD (HKBU), Chartered Marketer, MCIM, MISTR, MAOM
Dr. Martin C.K. Tsui BEcon, MEcon, PCEd (HKU) , EdD (Western Australia)
Dr. Wong Kar-shun
 Financial Management
BA (Hons) (CityU), MPhil (CUHK), Grad Dip (South Australia), PhD (USM), CPA (Aust)
Dr. John F.Y. Yeung
 Business Administration
BSocSc (Hons) (LC), MPhil (LU), PhD (PolyU), MAPM, MHKIPM
Dr. Kwan Ho-yan BBA (Hons), PhD (HKBU)
Division of Communication
Division Leader
Dr. Tsen Wai-sing BSc, MPhil, PhD (CUHK), FHEA
Programme Director of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Writing for Film, Television and New Media
Mr. Pierre Lam BA (Hons) (HKBU), MA (CUHK)
Programme Director of Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Integrated Communication Management
Dr. Lennon L.L. Tsang MBA, MSSc (CUHK), EdD (HKU)
Acting Programme Director of Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Media and Social Communication
Dr. Melannie Zhan BA (South China Normal), MSocSc, PhD (HKBU)
Associate Programme Director (Communication) of Associate Degree Programme
Dr. Tsen Wai-sing BSc, MPhil, PhD (CUHK), FHEA
Academic Co-ordinators
Mr. Wilkins K.M. Cheung
 Film, Television and Digital Media Studies
BSocSc (Hons), MFA (HKBU)
Mr. Eugene Y.L. Leung BFA (Hons) (HKAPA), MA (CUHK)
Mr. Keith C.K. Tse
 Creative Digital Media Design
BD (MD) (Swinburne), MDes (PolyU)
Dr. Tsen Wai-sing BSc, MPhil, PhD (CUHK), FHEA
Ms. Olivia Wong BSocSc (Hons), MA (HKBU), MA (CUHK)
Mr. Fred C.F. Yeung
 Media Communication
BA (HKBU), MA (South Australia), FHEA
Ms. Anna W.Y. Yuen
 Creative Communication
BA (SYC), MPhil (HKBU)
Dr. Melannie Zhan BA (South China Normal), MSocSc, PhD (HKBU)
Senior Lecturers
Dr. Benjamin K.L. Cheng BSocSc (Hons), MPhil, PhD (HKBU), SFHEA
Dr. Jessica Li BM (Xi’an), MA (Shenzhen), PhD (HKBU)
Mr. Joe K.C. Lo BA (HCCUNY), MSc (PolyU)
Assistant Lecturers
Dr. Ko Chun-kit BA, MPhil, PhD(CUHK)
Miss Zuria Cheng MBA (Warwick), MAcc (CUT), CPA (Aust)
Division of Social Sciences
Division Leader
Dr. Terence C.P. Lee BCogSc, MPhil, PhD (HKU)
Programme Director of Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology
Dr. Terence C.P. Lee BCogSc, MPhil, PhD (HKU)
Programme Director of Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Social Policy
Dr. Susan Xiqing Su BS (Beijing Normal), LLB (Tsinghua), MPhil, PhD (By Research), MSSSW (HKBU), RSW
Programme Director of Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Sport and Recreation Leadership
Dr. Heather H.M. Kwok BEd, MEd, MA (CUHK), PhD (HKBU)
Associate Programme Director (Social Sciences) of Associate Degree Programme
Dr. Michael W.H. Kam BA (Hons), MSocSc (HKBU), PhD (Queensland)
Academic Co-ordinators
Dr. Sammantha S.P. Ho BA (HKU), MSocSc (EHESS), PhD (CUHK)
Dr. Michael W.H. Kam
 History and Hong Kong Studies
BA (Hons), MSocSc (HKBU), PhD (Queensland)
Dr. Lucy S.P. Kong
 Sociology and Digital Society
 Social and Public Policy Studies
BSocSc (Hons) (HKBC), MPhil (HKUST), EdD (CUHK), Associate Member (ALT)
Mr. Max S.C. Leung
 Applied Social Service
HonsDip, BSW (HKBC), MA (CityU), RSW
Dr. Ting On-ki
 Society and Wellness Studies
BSc, MA, MPhil, PhD (HKUST), MA (Manchester)
Ms. Jennifer W.S. Wong BSc (York), MSocSc (HKBU)
Mr. Wu Shing
 Sport and Recreation Studies
BA (Hons), DipEd, MPhil (HKBU)
Dr. Ice S.Y. Tsui
BCogSc, PhD (HKU)
Dr. Lorraine K.C. Yeung
 Practical Philosophy
BA, MPhil (CUHK), PhD (HKU)
Dr. Cheung Siu-king BA (Hons), Mphil, PhD (CityU), PGDip (CUHK), Msc (Wales)
Mr. Billy C.H. Ho BSocSc (HKBU), MSc (Loughborough)
Miss Lam Chi-kei BSocSc, MSocSc (HKBU)
Dr. Clement K.M. Lee BSc (Hons) (Gloucestershire), MEd (Cardiff), MA (CUHK), PhD (HKU)
Dr. Venus H.L. Liu BSc.Ed. (EdUHK), MSc (CUHK), PhD (EdUHK)
Mr. Pang Ka-wai BSocSc, MPA (HKBU)
Miss Yemi Y.M. Tse BA (Hons), DipEd (HKBU), MSc (CUHK)
Dr. Elaine Y.L. Tsui BSc (UCL), MSc (Bath), PhD (HKU)
Assistant Lecturers
Miss Cindy Loo BSRM (Hons) (OUHK)

Academic Registry Services Section

College Administrator
Ms. Alison W.F. Li BSSc (CUHK), PGDIP, MA (HKBU)
Senior Programme Administrators
Ms. Cherry K.Y. Au BBA (CUHK), MA (CityU)
Ms. Sharon P.S. Chan BCom (Sydney), MMgt (Macquarie)
Ms. Hilary Lee BA, MA (CUHK)
Ms. Karen F.F. Li BA (HKU), MEdSt (Western Australia)
Ms. Connie T. See BBA (Hons) (LC), PgCert (TEAM) (SPACE), MSc (Surrey)
Programme Administrators
Ms. Susanna S.W. Chick BSW (Hons) (HKBU)
Ms. Janis M.C. Chu BSocSc (LU), MSSC (HKBU)
Ms. Gige K.C. Chua BSc (Hertfordshire)
Mr. Nigel Lau BSocSc (HKU), MSc (PolyU)
Ms. Law Ching-pik BSocSc (Hons) (HKBU)
Ms. Jaspa Tang BSSc (Hons) (HKBU)
Miss Fanny W.N. Tsui BBA (Baylor), MCTS
Mr. Hermes Wong BA, PGDE (HKU), MSc (PolyU)
Mr. Matthew C.K. Wong MBA (Louisiana at Monroe)
Ms. Angel S.W. Yeung BBus (South Australia), MPA (HKBU)
Mr. Robin C.P. Yeung BSc (Hons) (HKBU), MPA (HKBU)
Assistant Programme Administrators
Mr. Chan Ka-long BA (Hons) (HKBU)
Mr. Chan Kit-shing BSSc (Hons) (HKBU)
Ms. Vicky K.W. Chan BA (Hons) (Central Lancashire)
Miss Niko K.Y. Cheung BBA (Hons) (Chu Hai College of Higher Education)
Ms. Doris K.W. Cheung BA (Hons) (HKBU)
Ms. April W.C. Fung BA (Hons) (HKBU)
Ms. Jodie W.M. Ho Bachelor Degree (Monash)
Mr. Michael M.C. Lam BSocSc (Hons) (HKBU)
Mr. Jay Y.C. Lui BBA (Hons) (PolyU)

General Administration Section

Associate Head
Ms. Shirley W.S. Yeung BSc (London), MSc (PolyU)
Senior General Administration Officer
Ms. Zoe S.Y. Ip BCom (Wollongong), MSc (PolyU)
General Administration Officers
Ms. Winnis W.Y. Li BBA (Hons) (CityU), MBA (London)
Ms. Emily Y.M. Ngai BA (Hons) (HKBU)
Mr. Patrick C.F. Wong BA (Hons) (C Lancashire)
Ms. Zoe Yeung BSSc (CUHK)
Assistant General Administration Officers
Ms. Nikka C.Y. Chan BA (Hons) (Northumbria)
Miss Amy Chu BA (Hons) (De Montfort)
Ms. Cuby S.L. Lee MBA (Leicester)
Miss Phoebe Yan BA (Hons) (HKBU)
Ms. Yuli S.M. Yuen BHM (OUHK)
Information Technology Manager
Mr. Alex K.C. Ho BSc (Hons) (Leicester), MSc (CUHK)
Information Technology Officers
Mr. Eddie W.L. Cheung BSc (Hons) (PolyU)
Mr. Eric C.K. Lo Cert (BUSCE)
Mr. Ray Y.C. Tsang BSc (London)
Laboratory Technicians/Demonstrators
Mr. Godfrey K.L. Chan BComp (E-Commerce) (South Australia)
Mr. Keith L.W. Kei BS, MPhil (HKUST)
Ms. Lam Sin-man BSc (Hons), MSc (HKBU)
Sports Manager
Ms. Bonnie Y.M. Chu BA (Strathclyde)
Sports Supervisor
Miss Phoebe W.S. Chan BA (Hons) (Edinburgh Napier)

PR and Communication Section

PR and Communication Manager
Ms. Freda C.Y. Man PGDip (Stirling), MMktg (Newcastle)
Assistant PR and Communication Managers
Ms. Winnie W.L. Hau BA (PolyU)
Ms. Carman P.L. Leung BA (Kingston), PGDip (SPACECIM), MSocSc (CUHK)
Assistant Information Technology Manager
Mr. Sam W.S. Wan BSocSc (Hons) (HKBU), MSc (CityU)
PR and Communication Officer
Miss Michelle Y.Y. Chan BA (Hons) (HKBU)
Ms. Noel M.N. Wong BA (HKU)
Multimedia Designers
Ms. Stephanie W.S. Law BA (Hons) (PolyU)
Mr. Dominic H.P. Luk BA (Hons) (CS) (PolyU)
Ms. Xenia Ma BSocSc (Hons) (HKBU)
Assistant Information Technology Officers
Mr. Lee Ho-yin BComp (Hons) (HKMU)

Student Development Section

Associate Head
Dr. Benjamin K.L. Cheng BSocSc (Hons), MPhil, PhD (HKBU)
Guidance Counsellors
Dr. Chan Kin-wai BA (Hons), MSocSc (CityU), PGDE, MEd (EdUHK), DBA (AU), PsyD (EIU), RSW, RT (EDB), CPsychol, CPT
Mr. Arthur Cheung BSc (HKU), MSocSc (SYU), RCoP, AFHKPS (HKPS)
Ms. Angel Jao BSocSc (Hons) (SYU), MSocSc (HKBU), MHKPCA, RSW
Miss Wong Yuen-ting BSSc (Hons) (HKBU), MSocSc (SYU), RCoP (HKPS), MAPCPA, T-JTA
Ms. Carmen K M Yan BA (Hons) (Luzern), MSocSc (CityU), GM (HKMAAL), MHKPCA, RC (APCPA)
Assistant Guidance Counsellors
Miss Vivian W.Y. Lau BA, BSc (Southwest Minnesota State), MSocSc (HKU), CCoun (HKPCA), CBT L1 (ICT)
Student Development Officers
Mr. Nelson C.H. Wong BSocSc (LU)
Assistant Student Development Officers
Mr. Andrew C.H. Lo BA (Hons) (EdUHK)
Miss Mandy S.M. Lok BComm (HKBU)
Miss Katie L. Yeung BSocSc (HKU)