Miss Yemi Y.M. Tse 謝沅汶女士
Lecturer, Division of Social Sciences
3411 3089
Teaching Areas
Course(s) taught:- SPRS2501 Introduction to Leisure, Sport and Recreation
- SPRS2503 Scientific Foundations to Human Movement
- SRLP3015 Individual Differences in Physical Attributes and Movement Patterns
- SRLP3115 Prevention and Care of Sport Injuries
- SRLP3008-9 Internship I
- SRLP3805 Social Inclusion in Outdoor Recreation and Adventure Education
- SRLP4005 Internship II
- SRLP4008-9 Honours Project I & II
Research Interests
Professional Qualifications
- Advanced Level Sports Trainer, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Taekwondo Elementary Coach, Hong Kong, China Taekwondo Association
- STAR Sports Rhythm Jump Training Level 1 Instructor Certificate, Sports Training Association of Rhythm
- STAR Sports Rhythm Step Training Level 1 Instructor Certificate, Sports Training Association of Rhythm
- Kin-Ball School Coach, Hong Kong Kin-Ball Association
- Low Event Level I Instructor Certificate, Challenge Course Association of Hong Kong, China
- Korfball Instructor Course, Hong Kong China Korfball Association
- Level 2 Mountaineering, Mountaineering Council of Hong Kong