"Understanding Renewable Energy” Webinar Series (1): Energy Sources and Climate Change & (2): Renewable Energy and Its application X HKBU CIE: Geography and Resources Management (GRMG) Concentration Studies 2021-12-17
國際學院運用虛擬考察促進學生體驗學習 CIE organises virtual field trips to enrich students' experiential learning 2021-06-17
A Nutrition Guest Talk on “Eat Away Pressure”: A Registered Dietitian shared the symptoms and treatment of eating disorders 2020-11-06
Unlock the puzzle: an Environmental Conservation Studies student sharing his experience on cetacean stranding investigation 解開謎團: 一位環境保育學同學參與鯨豚擱淺調查的經驗分享 2020-04-28
Nutrition and Food Management (NUFM) students joined the conference “2019 Food’s Future Submit” organized by Foodie Group Limited, an integrated food platform for conscious consumers and the food industry 2019-12-05
A nutrition guest talk on “How to become a dietitian in Hong Kong?” A Registered Dietitian shared the key responsibilities of a dietitian and details on dietitian training programs 2019-11-22
Geography and Resources Management (GRMG) Students Visited the Ma Shi Chau Geopark 「地理及資源管理」專修(GRMG)同學參觀馬屎洲地質公園 2019-06-12
Geography and Resources Management (GRMG) Students Acquired Initial Skills in Working with Geographic Information System (GIS) Software 2019-06-12
HKBU CIE and Green Power release results of public perception survey on Country Parks in Hong Kong 浸大國際學院與綠色力量聯合發布「香港市民對郊野公園之意見調查」 2019-03-11